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Such A Beautiful Blue Sky !

There have been some beautiful skies here the last couple of days, and after all the snow and grey weather it has been like a tonic. I find myself struck by the beauty of that delicious saturated blue!
"If I really wanted to pray I'll tell you what I'd do.
I'd go out into a great big field alone or into
the deep, deep woods, and I'd look up into
the sky - up - up - up - into that lovely blue sky
that looks like there's no end to it's blueness.
And then I'd just feel a prayer."
- L.M. Montgomery


TK said...

Hi Susannah! Hope that you'll see more of the beautiful blue skies again. We have clear blue skies and clear blue seas all the time here as the weather gets hotter. I just watch the beauty of the sky from inside the house. It's 33C outside I dare not go out of the house at the moment.

Susannah said...

Hello TK! That is hot! I envy you your beautiful Blue Sea and Sky but I don't know if I could handle the heat! You are wise to stay indoors.

Thanks for dropping in, it is always nice to hear from you. :-)

Suz said...

I may steal this quote ;)

Susannah said...

You are more than welcome to Suz, it is wonderful isn't it. :-)

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