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I Just Love Colour

I guess we all have favourite colours and mine have definitely changed over the years. I remember when I was a child my favourite colours were Orange and Purple! I loved bright colours.

I have also been though patches where I didn't want colour - where I wore black and was attracted to things in Black and White - perhaps I needed the clarity - to literally be able to see things in Black and White?

I then went through a subtle phase where I enjoyed neutral tones, I loved their delicate shades and the way light moved over their surfaces, making shadows and creating gentle hues.

I then moved on to the colours of nature, greens and browns and lots of real wood, as though the outside was inside with me. I felt I had bought a forest indoors.

But through all of this and starting right from when I was small, I have loved the colour Turquoise! I love pairing it with shades of cobalt blue or a richly saturated yellowy green - In my bedroom it is paired with lots of white and gives the room a feeling of being by the coast. There are traces of these colours all over my home.

I just love Colour!

Have you got a favourite colour - has it changed over the years?

"Mere colour, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form,
can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways." - Oscar Wilde


Suz said...

Okay, sister, move've just about lived my life in colors!

My love affair with neutrals such a beige..was brief....I am a woman of color!
Just last week i was in an authentic Mexican restaurant and i couldn't take my eyes off of anything...color..everywhere! On the walls in tiles in paitings...oh the paintings..vivid blues and oranges....the food was good too, by the way
ANd heaven sent as is its first cousin COBOLT BLUE!!
and Indigo!!
The most beautiful color of turquoise I have ever seen was in the water of Lake Michigan as we headed up to Door County on the lake just about stopped my heart!
PS: sweet sister, thanks for missing me

Susannah said...

Ooh, the mexican restaurant and the water of lake michigan - I could see them as you spoke! I am with you in every word of that Suz! :-)

PS. Missing you is easy - you leave a big space when you are not around and I noticed it.

Colleen Loehr said...

Colors are the flavors of light, and drinking in the beauty of colors is drinking in light, which nourishes the soul. My favorite color is violet- a vibrant color somewhere between fushia and periwinkle. There was an interview of Thich Nhat Hanh by Oprah last month (it's available online) that talks about contacting the factors of happiness available in every moment- and vision is one of those factors- the miraculous functioning of the sense of sight. Thank you for an uplifting post Susannah.

Susannah said...

Hi Colleen - I love that -
"drinking in the beauty of colors is drinking in light, which nourishes the soul." - beautiful as is the colour Violet - another of my favourites!

Thanks Colleen. :-)

TK said...

My favourite colors also changed over time. At present orange and purple are 2 of my favourite colors. I also love colorful things. Hmm..I'm just so greedy for colors!

Susannah said...

Hello TK - yes, I think I will join you in saying that! I am so greedy for colours too. :-)

Thanks for your comment - and enjoy all the wonderful colours you have surrounding you in Malaysia!

Jennifer said...

Funny, my cousin and I were just talking about this in a little art gallery/store the other day as we looked at some paintings of some gorgeously read poppies.

I have loved green all my life. I never get tired of it. I've not loved purple all my life, but now I do. Particularly periwinkle - and plum. Hmm purple and green are opposite on the colour wheel aren't they? Wonder if that means something...

Susannah said...

Hi Jennifer :-)

Actually your comment made me realise that Red has never really appeared on my list of favourite colours? I love to see a good deep poppy Red but have never worn Red or had much of it about inside the house.

Funny how some colours (like you with green) stay as favourites and some change over the years.

Sometimes I get a real craving for a colour but it seems to pass eventually to be replaced with another - must feed a need somewhere. :-)

Michaela said...

My preferences change.
I usually choose unconsciously the same colours as green and pink.
But lately I feel drawn to the browns.

Susannah said...

Hi Michaela, yes my preferences change too - sometimes too quickly! 3 rooms in my house are painted in shades of green and now I find myself craving another colour! :-)

Browns are nice - I like earth tones.

Nice to see you. :-)

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